
PRE- PRIMARY, PRIMARY 1,2. Another LIM activity for you to practice the family names with motivating pictures thanks to Belen Junquera and her great work. Try and enjoy.
Outra actividade LIM para que practiquedes os nomes da familia con motivantes debuxos e grazas a Belén Junquera e o seu grande traballo. Probade e pasádeo ben.


ALL GROUPS. Because today we celebrate PEACE DAY I think we can enjoy this song with subtitles in Spanish for you to understand all the message.
Xa que hoxe celebramos o DÍA DA PAZ, penso que podemos disfrutar desta canción con subtítulos en español para que entendades a mensaxe.


PRIMARY 2. Learn about some hobbies Annie and Leo like practising.
Aprende algúns hobbies que a Annie e a Leo lles gusta practicar.
PRIMARY 1. Practice learning how we name the members of the family in english.
Practica como chamamos aos membros da familia en inglés.
PRIMARY 3. Practice what we are learning in class. What can you do? What do you like?
Practicade o que estamos a aprender na clase. Que sabes facer? Que che gusta?