
PRIMARY 1, 2, 3, 4. And more about food and fruit. Play the game and enjoy learning the names of what you eat.

E aínda máis sobre a comida e a froita. Xoga e desfruta aprendendo os nomes do que comes.
PRIMARY 1, 2, 3, 4. Are you hungry? Do you like fruit? Here you can learn the names of some common fruits.

Tes fame? Gústache a froita? Aquí podes aprender os nomes dalgunhas froitas comúns.


1st. Cycle, 2nd. Cycle. Here you are an interactive activity to practice the parts of the house and some vocabulary related to it.

Aquí tendes unha actividade interactiva para practicar as partes da casa e algún vocabulario referido a ela.


PRIMARY 4. Another place to practice some school vocabulary. Put your NAME and SURNAME and play UNIT 1. When you finish you can continue learning english in the rest of UNITS.

Outro sitio para practicar vocabulario sobre a escola. Pon o teu nome e apelido e fai a Unidade 1. Ao rematar podes continuar aprendendo inglés no resto das unidades.
PRE-PRIMARY. PRIMARY 1,2. Find the animals but watch out don't catch the dinosaurs.
Atopa os animais, pero ollo non captures aos dinosaurios.
PRIMARY 4. SCHOOL SUBJECTS. Here you are 3 activities online to practice and learn.

ASIGNATURAS. Aquí tendes 3 actividades online para practicar e aprender.
PRIMARY 1,2. Click on the picture, listen and sing the CLOTHES SONG.

Fai Click na imaxe, escoita e canta a canción sobre a roupa.
PRIMARY 1,2. Here´s a game for you to practice some words about CLOTHES.

Aquí tendes un xogo para practicar algunhas palabras sobre a roupa.
PRIMARY 1,2. ANIMALS. Enjoy matching the pictures and the names. Listen and learn.

ANIMAIS. Pásao ben relacionando as imaxes cos nomes. Escoita e aprende.
PRIMARY 4. Here's a LIM activity for you to practice what we're learning about means of transport thanks to Mª Jesús Naveira López.

Aquí tendes unha actividade LIM para que practiquedes o que estamos a aprender sobre os medios de transporte grazas a Mª Jesús Naveira López.