PRIMARY 3. Practice what we are learning in class. What can you do? What do you like?
Practicade o que estamos a aprender na clase. Que sabes facer? Que che gusta?
PRIMARY 1, 2, 3. And some CLASSROOM vocabulary. Surf this web page, learn and play.
E algo de vocabulario de clase. Surfea esta páxina, aprende e xoga.
PRIMARY 3. And for you, 3rd. graders this LIM activity with the main vocabulary to practice lesson 2.
E para vós, nen@s de 3º esta actividade LIM co principal vocabulario para que practiquedes a segunda lección.
PRIMARY 3. Hi 3rd. graders, now it´s time for you to practice some vocabulary about animals starting this new year's first lesson.
Hola nen@s de 3º, é tempo xa de practicar vocabulario sobre os animais comezando a 1ª lección deste novo ano.
PRIMARY 4. Listen and sing this song. It's good for practising some vocabulary like BEHIND, TURN RIGHT/LEFT,...
Escoita e canta esta canción. Está ben para practicar algún vocabulario coma BEHIND, TURN RIGHT/LEFT,...
Turn right at the traffic lights I ride my bike to the swimming pool
Go straight on I ride my bike to the swimming pool
Turn left at the pet shop I ride
Go straight on my bike
Next to the bridge to the pool.
Behind the school
Under the sun
Here's the swimming pool
PRIMARY 4. More present continuous.
E máis presente continuo.
PRIMARY 4. An activity for you to practice the present continuous.
Remember: SUBJECT + TO BE + VERB + ING
Unha actividade para que practiquedes o presente continuo.
PRIMARY 4. Play the sentence machine game about how to give directions.
Xoga ao xogo "sentence machine " sobre como dar indicacións .
PRIMARY 1,2,3. Here you are some activities for you to practice some numbers.
Aquí tendes algunhas actividades para que practiquedes algúns números.
Now destroy your opponent's castle...
Un xogo de palabras para revisar os nomes de diferentes lugares na cidade.
4th PRIMARY. Clic on the image below and fly with Laura. She'll show you her town.
Fai Clic na imaxe de abaixo e voa co Laura. Ela te amosará a súa cidade.
4th. PRIMARY. A site where you'll find a lot of different activities related to town.
Un lugar onde atoparedes moiotas e diversas actividades relacionadas coa cidade.
Here you are an extra activity to practice some vocabulary about this topic.
Aquí tendes unha actividade extra para practicar algún vocabulario sobre este tema.
PRIMARY 1, 2, 3, 4. And more about food and fruit. Play the game and enjoy learning the names of what you eat.
E aínda máis sobre a comida e a froita. Xoga e desfruta aprendendo os nomes do que comes.
PRIMARY 1, 2, 3, 4. Are you hungry? Do you like fruit? Here you can learn the names of some common fruits.
Tes fame? Gústache a froita? Aquí podes aprender os nomes dalgunhas froitas comúns.
1st. Cycle, 2nd. Cycle. Here you are an interactive activity to practice the parts of the house and some vocabulary related to it.
Aquí tendes unha actividade interactiva para practicar as partes da casa e algún vocabulario referido a ela.
ALL GROUPS. Now it's time for you to practice the DAYS OF THE WEEK. Enjoy this Rap.
Agora é bo momento para practicar os DÍAS DA SEMANA. Desfrutade este Rap.
PRIMARY 4. Another place to practice some school vocabulary. Put your NAME and SURNAME and play UNIT 1. When you finish you can continue learning english in the rest of UNITS.
Outro sitio para practicar vocabulario sobre a escola. Pon o teu nome e apelido e fai a Unidade 1. Ao rematar podes continuar aprendendo inglés no resto das unidades.
PRIMARY 4. SCHOOL SUBJECTS. Here you are 3 activities online to practice and learn.
ASIGNATURAS. Aquí tendes 3 actividades online para practicar e aprender.
PRIMARY 4. Here's a LIM activity for you to practice what we're learning about means of transport thanks to Mª Jesús Naveira López.
Aquí tendes unha actividade LIM para que practiquedes o que estamos a aprender sobre os medios de transporte grazas a Mª Jesús Naveira López.
Click on the image and discover a nice interactive book to practice TIME.
Fai CLIC na imaxe e descubre un bonito libro interactivo para practicar o tempo.
Practice your reading, listening and writing with these activities about TIME.
Practicade a lectura, audición e escrita con estas actividades sobre as horas.
Here you are some games to practice telling the TIME.
Aquí tendes algúns xogos para practicar a dicir as HORAS.
A FRIEND. Nice song to celebrate the LOVE and FRIENDSHIP day, Valentine's day.
UN AMIGO. Bonita canción para celebrar o día do AMOR e a AMIZADE, o día de San Valentín.
Listen the DO YOU LIKE ICE CREAM? song.
Escoitade a canción GÚSTACHE O XEADO?
PRIMARY 4. FOOD. Here's a little story for you to read and listen first.
Aquí tendes algúns xogos para practicar a dicir as HORAS.
A FRIEND. Nice song to celebrate the LOVE and FRIENDSHIP day, Valentine's day.
UN AMIGO. Bonita canción para celebrar o día do AMOR e a AMIZADE, o día de San Valentín.
What a day! Vaia día!
I had a so so day Tiven un día regularcillo
I´m feeling a kind of sad. síntome algo triste
Everything I do comes out wrong. Todo o que fago sae mal.
It's OK Está ben.
Because I have my friends Porque teño aos meus amigos.
I always count on them Sempre conto con eles
My friends will pick me up again Os meus amigos me erguerán de novo
Someone who will always cheer you up Alguén que sempre te anima
gives so much Que da tanto
that's a friend iso é un amigo
Someone you are always glad to see Alguén que te alegra sempre ver
I call that a friend, a friend. Iso é o que eu chamo un amigo
Escoitade a canción GÚSTACHE O XEADO?
PRIMARY 4. FOOD. Here's a little story for you to read and listen first.
Aquí tendes primeiro un pequeniño conto para ler e escoitar.
Now it's time to practice. CLIC on the image and play the MEMORY GAME.
Agora é tempo de practicar. Fai CLIC na imaxe e xoga ao MEMORY GAME.
Now practice with parts of the body and some pets. And try making simple descriptions.
Practica agora coas partes do corpo e algunhas mascotas. E tenta de facer algunhas descripcións sinxelas.
Open the activity in Notebook Express if you don´t have the program in your computer.
Abre a actividade en Notebook Express se non tes o programa instalado no teu computador.
LEISURE ACTIVITIES. Open in Notebook Express.
Actividades de tempo libre. Abrídea co Notebook Express.
Hola soy lesli y me parecio muy bonito el cuento de
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